Answer The Question

17 10 2008

Why are you so hardcore?
Becuase I was caught not flushing the urinal.

Why do you smell like a ’74 Chevy Nova?
Because I have anal retentive OCD tendencies.

Why do you always look so stylish?
Because I’m cold & tired & still amused.

Why are you such an awesome bowler?
‘Cuz my sense of humor is totally off.

Why do you do that voodoo that you do?
Because I’m a Pieces.

Why do you have such an effeminate lip-ring?
Because I need a hair cut.

Why do you always wear a hat?
Because my ham is sweet and juicy.

Why do you touch butts?
Because the seat of my bike was stolen… once.

Why do you run in circles?
Because I refuse to eat seafood… for farcically moral reasons.

Why are you such a totally awesome writer?
Because I have to pee; but I know I won’t enjoy it as much as I would if I had a penis.

Why are you talking about this?
Because I don’t sleep very much – never have.

Why did your mama let you out of the house wearing that?
Because my cat sounds like Sean Connery.

I don’t have anything of interest to add to this.  It was penned the day before Valentine’s Day of this year; I don’t know if that will help to explain it.  Please bear in mind that each writer was answering a question they had not seen.  That it flows so smooth is a matter of coincidence and a testament to the beautiful nature of our chaotic universe.  Or something.


What IS it?!

14 02 2008

What is your problem?
It is but a fevered dream

What is your Halloween costume?
It is the glorious sound of baby kittens

What is your mojo filter?
It’s a bad mama-jamma

What is the meaning of life?
It is a cryin’ shame…

What is a “monster truck”?
It is BANANAS… topped with nuts and a cherry!

What is the warping of space-time?
It is the true cause of morning wood

What is in Pat’s head goo?
It constitutes a threat to our way of life

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
It is marvelous and smells like soup

What is that on your face?
It is the hottie and the nottie

What is your morality worth?
It is so incredibly awesome, I must monkey dance!

What is the bestest thing in the world?
It is undeniably hawt!

What is the secret password?
Pickle pants and blueberry pancakes!

I hope that clears things up. There was a helluva lot more coolness from Coffee Night, but it’ll have to wait until later. Cheers!