Haiku, yuku, we all ku for haiku

19 01 2008

I finally found the usb cords for my camera and my audio recorder. I plan on making use of the pics and sounds and videos soon. For the time being, though, our dreams of a Coffee Night podcast are gonna have to wait.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to post some of our S.G. haiku. Since I’m only posting the stuff I really, really like, these are all from This Is Not A Book. After this, there are only one or two example of games left to post. I think “A, B, C” and some of the old, dusty “Rhyme/Opposite” types are the only ones I have done yet.

there is no reason
only love and bad gut pain
could move me this way


I was on mushrooms
my mind became a pony
spur my lobes, I run


what the fuck bozo?
bozo the assassin clown
death in squeaky shoes


I need the sun’s glow
like I need a second butt
twice the shit for me!


all these sodomites
coming to coffee for grease
and heaven for love


There, that about does it. A fine selection of our most brilliant haiku. Mad skills we bring. I’d like to point out that you can subscribe to this blog, so you don’t miss any developments. Not that I’m at all ashamed of urging people to check it out – I just thought you should know. Cheers!